Progress Overview

If you are just interested in a quick overview about how far the single GNUstep efforts have come... you have found the right place. The following progress bars reflect the current state of each GNUstep subproject. The monitored percentage should give you a good feeling for the expected "target audience" (Designers, Hackers,Developers or Users).

If you are interested in working on a project...join in as early as possible. See the Task List for an overview of our goals and needs. If you want to use a project...don't bother before it has reached at least the "Developers" level.

Any progress is a not linear process so don't try to calculate final release dates based upon the shown graphs. Providing an overall GNUstep progress indicator does not make a lot of sense at this time and so we want to keep it up to the reader to make her personal judgement.


Since these are the foundation building blocks they naturally are in the best shape if compared to other parts.

gnustep-base: 20% fin20% fin20% fin20% fin20% fin2% fin2% fin2% fin2% fin2% fin (100%) User release
gnustep-gui: 20% fin20% fin20% fin20% fin10% fin2% fin2% fin2% unfin2% unfin2% unfin (94%) Needs printing support, themes
Release: 0.10.1 (2005/09/19)
gnustep-back: 20% fin20% fin20% fin20% fin10% fin2% fin2% fin2% fin2% unfin2% unfin (94%) Needs XIM support, Windows improvements
Release: 0.10.1 (2005/09/19)
Audience rating: Design(0-20%) / Hackers(20-40%) / Developers (40-80%) / Users(80-100%)

Developer Suite

These tools have the second highest priority since they would make GNUstep's libraries more handy and more attractive for building user applications.

Gorm Interface Builder: 20% fin20% fin20% fin20% fin20% fin (100%) User release
Release: 1.0.0 (2005/10/29)
ProjectCenter: 20% fin20% fin20% fin20% fin2% fin2% fin2% unfin2% unfin2% unfin20% unfin (80%) Beta
Release: 0.4.2 (2005/01/26)
Audience rating: Design(0-20%) / Hackers(20-40%) / Developers (40-80%) / Users(80-100%)